General association with cultural factors: Age-related roles, Ethnicity, Socio-economic status, Social exclusion
Implementation steps:
A. Identify individuals and/or groups who are vulnerable to disasters and individuals/organisations who are willing to volunteer in disaster situations to help them. Related cultural factors: Social networks, Social exclusion
B. Use the knowledge accumulated by the community on risks and vulnerabilities to facilitate the easier identification of vulnerable groups. Related cultural factors: Individual/collective memory, Local knowledge
C. Ensure a balanced representation of vulnerable people in discussions with the disaster-affected-population. Related cultural factors: Social exclusion
D. Develop specialized and detailed guidelines for working with socially vulnerable groups in that respective community. Related cultural factors: Social exclusion
E. Support the development of social capital as an effective approach that builds the resilience and capacities of the community to mitigate the impact of disasters in vulnerable populations. Related cultural factors: Social exclusion
Deliverable 4.2: Report on “risk cultures” in the context of disasters - CARISMAND
- pdf, 1.8 MB
Deliverable 5.3: Report on citizens’ reactions and opinions: Citizen Summit 1 (Romania) - CARISMAND
- pdf, 1.9 MB
Deliverable 6.3: Report on cultural issues as provided for within select European states and their relevance in disaster situations - CARISMAND
- pdf, 3.3 MB
Deliverable 7.1: Report on literature review - CARISMAND
- pdf, 2.5 MB
Deliverable 7.3: Report on cultural factors and citizen empowerment - CARISMAND
- pdf, 2.4 MB
Further reading:
Alsop, R., Frost Bertelsen M. and Holland J., 2006. Empowerment in Practice - From Analysis to Implementation, The Worl Bank, Directions in development serie, n. 35032, Washington DC.
Bookman, A. and Morgen, S. (eds.), 1984. Women and the politics of empowerment. Philadelphia: Temple University Press
UNDP 2006. Communication for Empowerment - developing media strategies in support to vulnerable groups – Practical Guidance Note. Available at: