Implementation steps:
A. Integrate whistle-blowing as part of your natural systems and procedures, and codes of practice assist in this regard as long as they are more than window-dressing.
B. Integrate plans to identify and manage abuses of power, in order to better mitigate and contain disaster impact.
C. Encourage the formation advocacy or pressure groups in the response stage as an effective means of ensuring “checks and balanced” on power, minimising and containing harm.
Deliverable 7.3: Report on cultural factors and citizen empowerment - CARISMAND
- pdf, 2.4 MB
Further reading:
Figueroa, P. M. (2013). Risk communication surrounding the Fukushima nuclear disaster: an anthropological approach. ASIA EUROPE JOURNAL, 11(1), 53-64.
Vinten, G. (2000). Whistleblowing towards disaster prevention and management. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 9(1), 18-28. doi:10.1108/09653560010316032.