Types of Actors Concerned
Recommendations for Local authorities

Local authorities

Develop guidelines for disaster practitioners that take into consideration the different needs of and approaches to different ethnical groups


Use local knowledge, collective memory and shared cultural values to improve disaster preparedness, response and recovery


Prioritise protection of cultural heritage when preparing disaster management plans and procedures. Moreover, disasters managers should capitalize on tangible and intangible cultural heritage to assist communities in becoming more resilience


Improve disaster management processes through better networking and cooperation between public and private actors and a better understanding of the role which each of these actors plays in the different disaster management stages


When developing disaster management protocols and guidelines for citizens it is important to consider both the type of disaster and the cultural factors present in the targeted community


Gather as much information as possible related to disaster management as it will help you manage your fear and act more efficiently in case of a disaster, which in return increases your probability to survive as well as to help others


Use new technologies, such as crowdsourcing to collect information from citizens, as a means to foster community engagement


Foster social connectedness and the development of a strong sense of community, as these encourage citizens to help each other in disaster situations


Foster the adoption of a culture of disaster prevention and resilience by informing and motivating citizens to take action


Training programmes for citizens of all ages should be developed. These are necessary to increase citizens’ knowledge of and preparedness in case of disasters. The training activities should be organized on the basis of a training strategy and should take various forms, ranging from emergency drill to workshops


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