General association with cultural factors: Communication
Implementation steps:
Recommendations on overall principles in using different technologies in disaster communication
A. Cooperate with tech companies to avoid the spread of fake news or generate additional crisis linked to overload of infrastructure. Related cultural factors: Communication
B. Create awareness of possible unintended uses of new technologies (e.g. use of Waze in the Paris attacks). Related cultural factors: Communication
C. Encourage the adoption of new technologies among different age groups, genders and areas (including rural areas). This can be achieved by educating people about the best uses of technologies during all phases of a disaster. Related cultural factors: Communication, Gender roles, Age-related roles
Recommendations on using Bluetooth technology
D. Explore the possibility of using Bluetooth beacons to push messages that provide information about emergency procedures in the entrance areas or focal spots in mass gathering locations, or when entering tourist attractions, the latter ideally in multiple languages. Related cultural factors: Communication
Recommendations on using crowdsourcing and mobile phone-based technologies
E. Use crowdsourcing of information to assess damages done by disasters, raise situational awareness by crisis mapping, and then provide information back to the population. Related cultural factors: Communication
F. In multi-cultural areas and touristic regions, focus on the development and usage of mobile phone-based technologies, which provide foreigners with multi-lingual messages containing emergency information. Related cultural factors: Communication, Languages
G. If they are intended to merely provide information to citizens (rather than citizens submitting information to authorities, or information exchange between citizens), both social media and mobile phone apps are equally useful. Related cultural factors: Communication
H. To improve perceived usefulness and acceptance, any mobile phone app specifically designed for disaster-related information should: a) be seen to be led by public authorities, either on national or even supra-national (e.g., EU) level; b) allow authority-to-citizen, citizen-to-authority, and ideally also citizen-to-citizen communication; c) not only be useful in disaster response but also provide information in disaster preparedness; and d) be pre-installed when purchasing a new mobile phone. Related cultural factors: Communication
I. To encourage citizens to submit information to authorities in disaster situations (crowdsourcing, but also incident-related individual information), use specifically designed mobile phone apps rather than social media. Related cultural factors: Communication
Recommendations on selecting technologies adequate for different social groups
J. Use community radio as an information medium and a strong communication channel for marginalized and vulnerable groups. Related cultural factors: Communication, Social networks
K. Use Internet for communicating information to young people and groups with a higher education, as young people do not watch TV. Related cultural factors: Communication, Age-related roles, Educational system
L. Use television as a most effective technology for communication in terms of coverage especially when targeting households. Related cultural factors: Communication
M. Consider cultural factors in disaster communication. Related cultural factors: Communication
Deliverable 2.2: Report on systems and processes in disaster management - CARISMAND
- pdf, 9.2 MB
Deliverable 3.1: Report on technologies use and cultural factors - CARISMAND
- pdf, 5.2 MB
Deliverable 3.2: Report on best and emerging practices of technologies for disaster risk management and their adaptation to different cultural groups - CARISMAND
- pdf, 3.4 MB
Deliverable 5.5: Report on citizens reactions and opinions Citizen Summit 3 (Italy) - CARISMAND
- pdf, 1.8 MB
Deliverable 5.6: Report on citizens reactions and opinions Citizen Summit 4 (Germany) - CARISMAND
- pdf, 2 MB
Deliverable 5.10: Report on Stakeholder Assembly 1 (Romania) - CARISMAND
- pdf, 2.7 MB
Deliverable 7.1: Report on literature review - CARISMAND
- pdf, 2.5 MB
Deliverable 8.2: Report on the role of the media in disaster risk communication - CARISMAND
- pdf, 5.6 MB
Further reading:
Bachmann, D.J. et al., 2015. Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response: There’s An App for That. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 30(5), pp.486–490. Available at: Id=S1049023X15005099