
You can also download the information presented in the User Guide below here. If you don't find the answers you are looking for, you can also check the FAQ Section (.pdf version) or write to us using the form in the Contact Section.

Due to different definitions used in disaster-related literature, for the purpose of this Toolkit the main terms used are defined below. The full Glossary is available in the Glossary Section or can also be downloaded in a .pdf format.


The CARISMAND Toolkit Recommendations’ Section provides the results of the CARISMAND project and its findings in the form of recommendations, consisting information on the applicable categories of actors, hazards, and disaster stages, the main implementation steps of the respective recommendation (or sub-recommendations in case of a more generic ‘umbrella’ recommendation), sources and further reading.

Based on the project findings, the recommendations are further designed around the needs of the three main stakeholder groups within the project – policy makers, disaster managers, and citizens. Thus, each recommendation belongs to one or more of these groups, depending on the content and findings it reflects upon.

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Search Options

Each user can search the information in one of the following approaches:

If a user is interested in recommendations benefiting policy makes, they can use the pre-defined search results under ‘Recommendations for Policy Makers’ Section [marked in blue colour].

If a user is interested in recommendations benefiting disaster managers, they can use the pre-defined search results under ‘Recommendations for Disaster Managers’ Section [marked in orange colour].

If a user is interested in recommendations benefiting citizens, they can use the pre-defined search results under ‘Recommendations for Citizens’ Section [marked in green colour].

If a user like to design their own tailored search results, they can use the Filter menu located in the left side of the screen, by selecting one or more of the following categories: stakeholder; hazard type (to collapse all subcategories, please use the ‘+’/’-‘ buttons); disaster phase; and type of actors concerned.

The result will show all recommendations that cover all of the selected categories. See the example below.

In case the user is not sure what they are looking for they can also use the free search option using key words.

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Search Results

Each search result provides a list of recommendations linked to the categories – part of the tailored search. The initial result list shows only the ‘bio’ of the recommendation – the title and the correlations to the four toolkit pillars.

Each recommendation can be reviewed in details (using the ‘Details’ Button) or downloaded as file in a PDF format for further use as a local resource (using the ‘Download as PDF’ Button).

If a user wants to download more than one recommendation at a time, they can use the Select option at the left corner of the ‘bio’, followed by clicking on ‘Download selected as ZIP’ Button. This way the user can select as many recommendations as they want. There are also the ‘Select All’ or ‘Select None’, located at the top of the search result, to further ease the user. The ‘Download selected as ZIP’ Button also support the user by showing the number of selected recommendations for download (Example: ‘Download selected as ZIP (1)’).

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Recommendation Review

Once a user click on the ‘Details’ Button go familiarize themselves with the full content of a certain recommendation, the recommendation is shown in ‘full view’:

Recommendation’s body;

Categories of stakeholders, hazards, disaster phases, and type of actors concerned, the recommendation is linked to;

All Cultural Map Entries applicable to the recommendation (if applicable);

All cultural factors associated with the recommendation (if applicable);

Implementation steps;

Sources of information on which the recommendation is based upon;

Further reading applicable to the recommendation (if applicable).

In some cases a recommendation holds the status of an ‘umbrella’ recommendation; thus leading to a set of sub-recommendations arranged around one and the same topic (as shown below).

Again, in ‘full view’ the user has the option to download the recommendation in a file in PDF format.

Also, the option of grading the usefulness of the recommendation is available. However, if the user would like to comment on specific aspects or further discuss the recommendation with the CARISMAND Team, they should use the Contact Section to get in touch with us.

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Submit Your Recommendation

Users can also provide their input in the form of a new recommendation. It can be submitted to the CARISMAND Team via the 'Submit your recommendation' Button, located under the Filter menu on the left side of the screen. Once submitted, the recommendation will be reviewed by the CARISMAND Team and if approved, it will appear as a recommendation within the CARISMAND Toolkit; however, it will be clearly shown who the respective author is.

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